-- TDWGUI.DLL Options -- TDWGUI.DLL is a DLL that allows TDW to display itself in a pseudo-window on the screen. In reality the DLL simply draws the the TDW characters on the desktop using TextOut and other GDI functions. Since there is no video mode switching and the Windows GDI system is used for device independance, TDW can be used on any video adapter that Windows 3.x can run on. The only real limitation is that is must be at least a 386 machine. If the DLL attempts to load on a 286 or lower, it will fail with an error message. Allowable options in the [VideoOptions] section of TDW.INI for TDWGUI.DLL DebugFile=ss ss= path and name of logging file. ForceFileSave=Y|N Y Forces the log file to be written after each line. N (default) opens then file when the DLL is loaded, and closes it when unloaded. Rows=xx xx= 25, or 50. Specifies the initial mode for TDW to start up in. This option only cares about the mode (25 or 50), NOT the number of lines (see MaxLines to specify the number of lines you want to use in "43\50" line mode). This option is for compatibility with the 3.0 and 3.1 versions of TDW. (Default = 25) FontSize=xx xx= requested point size for the font. (default=10) FontName=ss ss= a string specifing the name of the requested font. The font must be fixed width and use the OEM character set. TDWGUI.DLL calls CreateFont with this font name after matching the selected point size with the fonts availible from EnumFonts. If it does not find a usable font with these attributes, it defaults back to the TERMINAL font. ie: FontName=TERMINAL The matching process goes like this; of all the fonts in the specified font name: 1. Look for fixed pitch & OEM charset 2. Then for an exact point match 3. Else look for nearest point match 4. Else use OEM_FIXED_FONT Nearest point match is defined as the first font that is the closest in points the the requested point size. Use the LogEnums=1 switch to see the list of fonts availible to TDWGUI. If more than one font matches the selected point size, the first one will be selected. In order to select one of the other fonts that also match, an index override switch is provided. The EnumIndex=xx switch can be set to the index number that is listed in the 'Enumerated Fonts List' in the logfile. This will then be the exact font selected (assuming that the specified index exists in the list). TrueType fonts cannot be used and are not listed in the font list. They can be forced to be listed with the LogTTs=Y switch, even though they cannot be indexed, matched, or used by TDWGUI LogEnums=Y|N Logs the availible fonts to the DebugFile. (Default = N) LogTTs=Y|N Also logs the TrueType fonts in the DebugFile (NOTE: TrueType fonts can NOT be used or specified for TDWGUI) (Default = N) EnumIndex=xx xx= Index of font to use from the font list in the DebugFile. (see LogEnums and FontName above) (Default = -1 which disables this feature) TimerRez=xx xx= number of miliseconds between updates of the TDW screen. (Default = 55, range = 55 - 5000) MaxLines=xx xx= the number of lines to use when TDW goes into 43/50 line mode. anything over 100 is set back to 100. (See also Rows) (Default = 50) PosX=xx xx= horizontal position of TDW "window". -1 to center. (Default = -1) PosY=xx xx= virtical position of TDW "window". -1 to center. (Default = -1) BorderWidth=xx xx= the width in pixels for the 3D border. if -1 is specified, 6 is used for the 3D border. (default = -1) RestartGDI=Y|N Y - re-initializes GDI when the DLL exits N - doesn't (default). This is only needed if the color palette or mouse looks corrupted when the debugger exits. (usually on S3 cards) CursorMethod=B|F B = BIOS call, F = Function call. With TDW 3.1, use B to make the cursor show up. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Explanation of the 'Enumerated Fonts List' in the DebugFile In this example, FontSize was set to 10, and font #0 was the first one that came the closest to that size. In order to use font #2 (12x5), you would need to set EnumIndex=2. Enumerated Fonts List [EnumIndex Mode]: 0 TERMINAL h:12 w: 8 p: 9 c:1 fx:1 oem:1 [Near] 1 TERMINAL h: 6 w: 4 p: 4 c:6 fx:1 oem:1 2 TERMINAL h:12 w: 5 p: 9 c:1 fx:1 oem:1 3 TERMINAL h: 8 w: 6 p: 6 c:4 fx:1 oem:1 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ OEM or ANSI character set ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Fixed or Proportional ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Closeness matching factor ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Point size ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Width in pixels ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Height in pixels ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Facename of font ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Index for EnumIndex switch -------------------------------------------------------------------------------